Pacchi Fajilan
Hi Bebi!
Welcome to the website? Hahahaha. I'm not really sure how to start this one, so i'm really just winging everything. I wanted to do something special for you this valentines and the only thing I could think of doing was to create this website to show the appreciation I hold for you. The days spend with you are among the most joy I've had in recent. It might not have been all sunshines and rainbows, but one can't enjoy the sun without spending time in the rain.

Meeting You
I remember the time I first saw your comment on Tim's picture and I just had to stalk you. Never would I have imagined that we would have this kind of connection we do now. If you would have said, that I could be one of the people you'd be closest to, I'd straight out say you were crazy. But here we are now.
The sheer joy it brought me to know that you were also playing the same game I was. I even thought it was a god-sent. From then on, every chance I could get to get your attention, I would do it. Even if it seemed like I was annoying you. To my surprise you did not think of it as annoying, but you also entertained me back with the same energy. Wow this girl is super nice. A breathe of fresh air for me really haha. It was the kind of interaction that was just super comfortable to have. It was safe to say that you were really my crush since then no doubt about it. That's why it was also heartbreaking for me when I found out that were in a relationship then.
It might be a bit cliche as well to say that, even though I liked you, I would never get in the way of a relationship of another. Funnily enough, even though I tried to avoid it as much as I can, it still happened. Back then, I thought it was the best option to let go of my emotions for you. But I couldn't let it go--So the best option I could think of then was to disappear. Looking back, it was probably the worst decision I could have done, many bridges got burned. For the years I have missed, i will compensate for it in any way I can. As long as your smile appears, I am content.
Days ago was the first time I saw your photo
4 Years of knowing each other
Endless hours of support from you
But Only 1 Feeling I have for you
How I rank your personality. Non-biased opinion.
My Favorite Images
Over the years, I still saved some images. Some are recent due cause I was stalking your past photos. But most are the photos that struck me and made my emotions rise. After all, you were my "the one that got away" for me. I just hope you don't get mad at me for posting some of the photos here.
- All
- Pretty
- Hehe
- Whoa
- Cute
This section is dedicated to my appreciation of you.
As someone that is part of the anime community. I could not imagine how hard it is to be able to make a career off of this. While I took the easy way out, you pursued it. The dedication you have and the passion you have for your work is something to admire. I can't speak for everybody else, but I have been inspired to work hard because of this. Not in my current job though hehe. But I just wanted you to know that you do give people energy to strive harder.
I know that you've been through a lot. The times have never been easy on you. However, the positivity you present, your good nature always takes over. For me, that's one of your amazing aspects. I thank you for being one of the people that I can safely say is 100% genuine.
Here is where I am dumbfounded about everything. In day to day life, the amount of work you do and the time you do for said work is unfathomable. I worry sometimes because you get so little sleep, but I know and believe that you can do it. If life ever knocks you down, please know that I am always going to have your back like you've got mine. Thank you being here, Pacchi.